Updating repo with Sampler.GitHubTasks

A lot of improvements have been made to the Sampler module and templates in the last couple of weeks, and it’s a (small) breaking change that needs a manual update to your repos.

We knew for a long time that Sampler was needed some refactor to make it more testable and maintainable. A while ago, we took some shortcuts we knew we’d have to refactor at some point, and we finally did it!

In the last few updates we’ve re-organised the templates, moved some helper functions into Private/Public folders, and extracted into a new module the tasks that publish releases to GitHub and create Pull requests with the updated changelog after a release.

One of the benefit is that the tasks now uses the PowerShellForGitHub module produced by Microsoft instead of some modified fork we had to maintain, and it’s decoupled from the core of Sampler so that if you use Sampler in something else than GitHub, you don’t have to pull those dependencies.

As you may know, Sampler has stayed in development phase until now (v0.x.x) because we knew those refactor and breaking changes would come.

That big milestone being done, we’ll soon be promoting the release to v1.x.x.

What has changed

In short, the GitHub tasks are now packaged in the Sampler.GitHubTasks module which depends upon the PowerShellForGitHub module.

To be able to use them in your pipeline, you know have to:

  • Declare Sampler.GitHubTasks as a Required Module in your RequiredModules.psd1.
  • Tell build.yaml to Import the tasks from this module (on top of importing those from sampler).
  • Tell your BuildWorkflow in build.yaml to use the Publish_Release_To_GitHub for your publish task if it’s not already present.


The RequiredModules.psd1 needs to have Sampler.GitHubTasks added like this:

    PSDependOptions             = @{
        AddToPath  = $true
        Target     = 'output\RequiredModules'
        Parameters = @{}

    InvokeBuild                 = 'latest'
    PSScriptAnalyzer            = '1.19.0'
    Pester                      = '4.10.1'
    Plaster                     = 'latest'
    Sampler                     = 'latest'

    'Sampler.GitHubTasks'       = 'latest'

    ModuleBuilder               = 'latest'
    MarkdownLinkCheck           = 'latest'
    ChangelogManagement         = 'latest'
    PowerShellForGitHub         = 'latest'
    'DscResource.Test'          = 'latest'
    'DscResource.AnalyzerRules' = 'latest'
    xDscResourceDesigner        = 'latest'

This will instruct PSDepend to pull this module and its dependencies. As PowerShellForGitHub is listed in Sampler.GitHubTasks’s RequiredModules, PSDepend will automatically pull this dependency for your build.

If you want to update your local cache for this repository, remember to call build.ps1 -ResolveDependency once after changing the RequiredModules.psd1.


In your Build.yaml file, you need to tell the build pipeline to load the tasks from this Sampler.GitHubTasks module.
This can be done by making sure the key ModuleBuildTasks: has the following subkey:

    - '*.ib.tasks'

Also, make sure the BuildWorkflow: key has the right tasks defined for publish (but it should already be correct).

# [...]
    #- publish_nupkg_to_gallery  # Deploy using Nuget
    - publish_module_to_gallery # Deploy using cmdlet Publish-Module
    - Publish_release_to_GitHub

Alternatively, if you don’t want to use the GitHub integration, you now know what to remove.

As always, if you need help, come in the PowerShell Slack, #dsc channel and ask for help!