
Here is a list of the current maintainers of DSC modules in the DSC Community. If you wish to be a maintainer in a module, please either contact a maintainer of the module, or a member of the committee. If you are a maintainer and feel you no longer have the time to put in and want to stop being maintainer then please send in a PR to update this list, or contact a member of the committee.

People on this list are added and removed manually, but the information for each individual is collected from their public GitHub profile page. This list is sorted by GitHub account name.

@halbaradkenafin on twitter
drawing Nyköping, Sweden
Motocross driver. Solution Architect. Likes KTM. Likes everything PowerShell. Maintainer of modules in DSC Community, committee member of the DSC Community.
drawing UK
Predominantly focusing on PowerShell and improving process efficiency
Software Engineer on the Azure Guest Configuration team
drawing UK
I'm a cloud solutions architect, DPC creator and former consultant based in the UK specialising in Azure and Datacentre management.
drawing Seattle, WA, USA
Principal Service Engineer in M365 Advanced Cloud Engineering. Open source enthusiast.
drawing Gatineau
Principal Product Manager @ Microsoft
I am a SWK full-time employee, working as a Cloud DevOps Engineer with a special love for automation with PowerShell and Python
drawing Germany
Microsoft Premire Field Engineer focusing mainly on PowerShell, DevOps and DSC.
drawing UK
Cloud DevOps Engineer
drawing The Netherlands
SharePoint/Microsoft 365 Cloud Solution Architect